
Monday 3 December 2012

The breathalyser / éthylotest in France

Since July of this year, we have been covering the on going saga on this site of the French Government's new law on the breathalyser know as éthylotest

In theory since November car hire companies in France apparently were going to provide one of these testers in each rental so I was interested to find out if this would be the case at the end of November.

I hired a car at Nice Airport through Holiday Autos / National Citier and although Holiday Autos partner National Citier had said on their website these testers would be provided there was not one in my car.

Returning the vehicle yesterday I asked the check in person about this and was told that they were putting them in the "standard" car rentals and would be adding them to all cars for the start of January. It will be interesting to find out if this is the case.

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