Over the past few months on this blog we have been following the new law in France that means motor vehicles (not mopeds) must by law have a breathalyser ( éthylotest ) kit / Alco-tests in your car.
Originally from the 1st November 2012, if you did not have one, or one that had not been used you can be finded eleven Euros.
We contacted National/Citier car rental to find out what they proposed to do and this is what their website says http://www.citer.fr/guide_location
Possession obligatoire d'un éthylotest
En application du décret n° 2012-284 du 28 février 2012, "tout conducteur d'un véhicule terrestre à moteur, à l'exclusion d'un cyclomoteur, doit justifier de la possession d'un éthylotest, non usagé, disponible immédiatement"
Le défaut de possession d’un éthylotest est sanctionné par une amende de 11 euros à compter du 1er novembre 2012.
Pour répondre à cette obligation, National/Citer mettra à disposition gratuitement à partir du 1er novembre un éthylotest dans chaque véhicule. En cas de non-restitution, un montant forfaitaire de 5€ TTC sera facturé.
Des éthylotests seront également vendus aux comptoirs National/Citer au prix de 2€ TTC / ethylotest.
National/Citer ne peut être tenu responsable s’il n’y a pas d’éthylotest dans le véhicule. Il convient au conducteur de s’assurer d'être en possession d’un éthylotest non-utilisé.
Translated - Possession of a mandatory breathalyzer
Pursuant to the Government Decree No. 2012-284 of 28 February 2012, every driver of a motor vehicle, excluding mopeds, must be in possession of a breathalyser, which has never been used.
From the 1st November 2012, if you do not have the breathalyzer you will be fined 11 euros.
To comply with the law, National / Citier car rental will provide one in every car as from the 1st November, free of charge. In case of the breathalyser is not returned a fixed fee of 5 € will be charged.
Breathalysers will also be sold at the counters National / Citier car hire counters for 2 €.
National / Citier will not be held responsible if there is no breathalyzer in the car.
A lot of discussion have taken place on forums like the one run by The Riviera Reporter -
Alco-tests in your car
It now looks like the law changing again with Le Monde running a story on the 8th October
The Interior Minister, Manuel Valls, extended to March 1, the date on which drivers will be fined for failing breathalyser in their vehicles, "given the difficulties of supply", announced Monday, October 8, the road safety in a statement.
The deadline was originally set for November 1, but "given the difficulties of supply identified in some regions," Mr Valls "has decided to postpone the date" March 1, 2013, to "allow all drivers equip themselves in good condition and at a fair price, "says Road Safety, confirming a report from Parisien.fr.
Full news report here
It will be very interesting to see what happens next and will retailers like Halfords & P&O be able to get rid of their stocks of these testers that are currently on sale in the UK and on cross
channel car ferries for around £5.99 each / €7.00. Just hope the British Government does not come up with such an idea!.